You are invited to participate in Battle of the Books!

What: Battle of the Books is a team competition. Students form teams of 4 or 5 students, read as many books as they can, memorize the titles and authors, and finally compete against other teams by answering questions about the books.

Example competition question: In what book does a boy live under the stairs in his aunt and uncle’s house?

Answer: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling

How: We will be making teams on Friday, September 29rd during school. Then students can start reading! Books can be found in the school and public library. Students can also listen to an audio book or someone can read the book to them.

Teams: You can come with team members in mind or come and join a team on our team making day. Second graders will form teams. Third and fourth graders will form teams. Fifth and sixth graders will form teams.

 Huddle Ups: There will be times throughout the year that we will check in with each team to talk about their progress and answer any questions they have. We will also use this time to make team posters and help them memorize titles and authors. Participation will be voluntary and will take very little class time.

 Battles: Battles will be held April 8-12, 2023 | During this time, we need lots of volunteers. If you are able, please save the date to help us during this week.

 One Last Thing: By signing up, your child is making a commitment. In order to break this commitment, we will require a parent signature at the time of dropping out.

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